New Registrar Website

August 15, 2024

Dear Students, Colleagues, and Families,

I want to bring to your direct attention the launch of the new website for the Office of the University Registrar.

What’s Changing?

The new Registrar website utilizes the CUIT Sites model, so it has a familiar look and feel to many other websites at the University, including those of the Student Service Center, Student Financial Services, and Columbia Finance. In addition to updated branding and accessibility, we have revised navigation and streamlined content for an improved user experience. We have also added a new custom Academic Calendar with both list and grid views. Users can filter and sort events by Term/Year, Type, Audience, and School/Program to create customized calendars that can be downloaded to an email client or printed out. 

What Do I Need to Know or Do?

The existing site URL is unchanged: Redirects were placed on the most frequently visited pages on the previous site to take users to the appropriate new pages – which means most bookmarked pages or links from older emails will continue to work as expected. 

Additionally, we have retired the CUIMC-hosted Registration and Financial Services site and integrated its content within the new Registrar website. This allows students from all campuses to find information relevant to them in one location. A redirect has been applied to the retired, CUIMC-hosted site to take users to a dedicated Registrar landing page for CUIMC students. 

All CUIMC Schools should consider revising their site links to point to new, Registrar-hosted pages containing specific instructions for CUIMC students. For a list of all retired CUIMC URLs, please contact [email protected] for assistance. 


As you start to use the new Registrar site, we welcome your feedback so that we can ensure a positive user experience for all who visit the site. Consider taking the customer satisfaction survey found on our homepage. Additionally, you can help keep our website up-to-date and accurate by contacting Assistant Registrar Angelica Borrero at [email protected] for assistance making updates and corrections to our calendar dates, web content, and links.

As always, you have my best wishes for the upcoming academic year!


Barry S. Kane
Associate Vice President and University Registrar
Columbia University in the City of New York